Do you feel like your anxiety has taken over your life? Get supportive, effective anxiety treatment at Everthrive Counseling  

Chances are you've experienced anxiety at different points in your life. Just before a big exam, at a job interview, or giving a presentation at school or work. Feeling anxious before these events is normal and often helps you get through it. Anxiety can be a good motivator. You want to be prepared. You worry about what might go wrong, so you work hard to do your best. Anxiety is also an excellent emotional temperature gauge. Sometimes in life, you SHOULD be anxious, like starting a new job or walking down the aisle. Not feeling nervous would be concerning when facing a big life change. 


Sometimes, however, anxiety can get out of control. When this occurs, it can be hard to cope. You find yourself missing out on life. You always worry, and it's starting to hurt your relationships, work, or social life. Anxiety can be vicious. Once the pattern begins, it can worsen if you don't get support. Negative thought patterns feed the anxiety and make it bigger.


Signs you might benefit from anxiety treatment:

  • Feeling stressed and overwhelmed most days

  • Excessively worrying and being unable to "turn off" the thoughts

  • Difficulty sleeping and your head feels full of worries 

  • Unable to concentrate or complete tasks, despite being 

  • A constant sense of being "on edge" or irritable

  • Physical symptoms, like bellyaches or headaches

  • You find it hard to manage emotions and might "fly off the handle" about seemingly little things

  • Experiencing symptoms of panic such as a racing heart, difficulty breathing, and feeling like the room is closing in

  • Withdrawing from social relationships and activities

  • Increased arguments with your spouse or partner

If you experience these concerns, don't wait to seek a trained counselor for anxiety treatment. Experiencing anxiety doesn't mean you're "crazy." Instead, you'd benefit from some support to overcome a tough time. Counseling for anxiety can offer rapid relief. Hearing that what you're going through is a normal stress response is helpful. Anxiety treatment provides easy-to-use skills to assist you in managing these symptoms. 


How can anxiety counseling help me?

Counseling for anxiety can give you back control over your life. Anxiety therapy helps you find new ways to think in a way that helps reduce anxious thoughts. You'll learn practical tools that are easy to use every day. At Everthrive Counseling, our therapists are trained in cutting-edge anxiety therapy approaches. This means you'll find the right approach for your goals. Anxiety treatment options include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This approach helps you increase your awareness about thoughts and beliefs about what causes worry. Your counselor will help you gain the skills to challenge your thoughts, so you have better control over your anxiety. CBT works well and quickly to start feeling back in control. 

  • Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT): SBFT is a short-term approach that helps you to focus on the solutions to problems, not the problems themselves. The focus is on positive psychology principles and practices- hope, positive emotion eliciting, goal-directed, and future-oriented. You and your counselor will identify easy ways to tackle problems that create anxiety. 

  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT): Similar to CBT, this approach aims to teach you how to live in the moment, develop healthy ways to cope with stress, and regulate emotions. The focus is to learn mindfulness skills to manage those difficult emotions. You'll learn easy-to-use skills that will give you back your power.

  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR): This therapeutic technique helps reduce stress and anxiety through practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga. It is helpful for chronic anxiety or panic. MBSR aims to learn ways to focus thoughts on the present moment to avoid anxiety. 


Don't shoulder this worry and stress alone. An Everthrive counselor is ready to partner with you to help fight back against the constant anxiety. You deserve a life of peace and happiness without continuous fear and anxiety.

Call Everthrive today at 833-473-3399 to connect with the mental health professional right for you. 



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